The Firefly approach is simple, we listen to what you want to accomplish and come up with the running training program that will help you get there. We are here to monitor your progress, coach you through the difficulties, and be your accountability partner.


How I got here 

For those that knew me 10 or so years ago, you really might not recognize me anymore inside or out. But let me walk you through the journey that got me here (cue Wayne’s World flashback doodley do doodley do).


September 2000, after a dare by an old roommate and a grueling summer of training I completed the City of Lakes 25k, no small feat considering I was a pack a day smoker at the time.


Six years after that first race, my wife and I were blessed with a baby girl. Although I was still relatively thin, I was completely out of shape and probably couldn’t have run to the end of the street much less any distance due to still smoking all these years. I had tried numerous times (I had even quit for almost nine months at one point) but I continuously made excuses on why I couldn’t kick the habit. Until one day it struck me that I didn’t want our daughter to even know that I ever smoked much less to have her father taken away for a stupid habit that he wouldn’t give up. She was a little over 18 months old before I finally gave it up for good. It wasn’t easy (just ask my wife about the tense moments) but in the end we were successful in kicking that habit. Although I had kicked one bad habit my own fitness continued to downward spiral. Lack of exercise and a self inflicted poor diet had put me at 30 pounds heavier than that kid with the dyed blond hair.

And then it happened my light bulb finally flickered back on. My wife was coming to the end of training for her first half marathon and I couldn't help but be inspired by her work ethic and dedication to tackling such a task. At that moment I looked at myself and said "you can do that too if you put the effort into it." 



The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.
— Elbert Hubbard